Select Page
There are two types of settings: “Object label” and “Group” to identify and to group vehicles. To change an Object label of a device in the system just find “Object label” panel.
8.2 Object Label & Group Name image 1
Folded panel contains the following information about the device:

  • The current name of the device
  • Device model
  • Device ID in the system (a unique identifier)

Deploy the panel and write the required name (often the registration number) . You can specify any name you want:

8.2 Object Label & Group Name image 2

To confirm your changes click ‘Save’
To transfer the device to another group, select the “Group” panel:

8.2 Object Label & Group Name image 3

Open the panel to specify a group in which you want to transfer the tracking device.

8.2 Object Label & Group Name image 4

To confirm your changes click ‘Save’

Create group:
To create a group, click8.2 Object Label & Group Name image 5  in the device list. Specify a name of a new group, select the color and click Create:

8.2 Object Label & Group Name image 6
To show or hide empty groups, click 8.2 Object Label & Group Name image 8

Group editing:

Scroll down to the group that you want to edit, at the right of the group there are tools for editing:

8.2 Object Label & Group Name image 9

  • To delete a group, select the group and click Delete, if in the deleted group there are indicators, it will be necessary to specify other group to which they will be transferred after removal of the current one:

8.2 Object Label & Group Name image 10

  • To change the name and color of the group choose.

8.2 Object Label & Group Name image 11

To collapse or expand a group, use - and + respectively.