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Time Machine is a tool which allows you to playback the history of movement of your vehicles for any chosen date – as though you have travelled in to the past.


4.3 Time Machine image 1

How to use Time Machine

Select the vehicles from the objects list. You can select just one or select multiple vehicles.

Click Time Machine button below the list. It is placed next to Tracks and Events buttons.

4.3 Time Machine image 2
At the bottom of screen you will see the panel of the tool where your vehicle will be listed.

Select the date you want to playback. You can also set various options like playback speed, show tracks and events on the map, etc.
4.3 Time Machine image 3


Click the Play button. You will see animated vehicle movement, while the cursor in the bottom will advise you the time of the day.

To exit from the tool click the ‘Back to the future’ button which is located in the right top corner of the bottom panel.